People think that certain problems have to be solved without spending
any money;often, if the solution is important enough, it is a good
idea to spend money on it.
Another thinking trap people fall into is thinking they have to solve
the whole problem; sometimes, solving just one partof the problem is
enough for the time.
A final thinking trap is thinking that it is your problem and you are
the one who must solve it; often, it is someone else's problem, and
the very best thing for you to do is to turn it over to that person
and refuse to get involved.
The first quality of genius is the ability to concentrate
single-mindedly on one thing at a time, on one problem at a time. And
to stay with it until it is solved.
Highly creative people practice focusing on single questions and
single problems, while uncreative people diffuse their mental energies
by trying to do several things at once. They work on this and work on
that. They pick something up and put it down. Then they go on to
somethingelse and come back. Often, they are scatter brained, and if
they do come up with ideas, their ideas are shallow and poorly
The difference between diffusion and concentration in creativity is
the difference between gentle sunlight and sunlight concentrated
through a magnifying glass. It is the difference between light and a
laser beam. It is the difference between a small flame and a welding
Your job, in increasing your creativity and enhancing your
intelligence, is to concentrate your powers where they can do the most
The second quality of genius is the ability to approach problems systematically.
People who throw themselves at their problems often become frantic and
confused. They take a haphazard approach to thinking, and then they
are amazed when they find themselves floundering and making no
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